Thursday, May 27, 2010

Structure Deck 9: Dinosaur's Rage


Unleash the power from the past with this new Structure Deck!

Duel like Tyranno Hassleberry from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX with ferocious Dinosaur monsters and new Spell and Trap Cards that will stomp your opponents into the stone age!

Dinosaur’s Rage contains 8 new cards, including the Ultra Rare “Super Conductor Tyranno”. Each 40 card Deck is ready to play, perfect for new Duelists, and contains a rulebook and a Dueling Guide to help players master its strategies.

Deck Specifications

Deck Name: Dinosaur's Rage
Deck ID: SD09

TCG Release Date: October 25, 2006
TCG Deck Size: 36 Cards (40 cards in Master Set)
TCG Breakdown: 2 Normal, 14 Effect, 11 Spell, and 9 Trap
TCG Rarity Breakdown: 1 Ultra, 35 Common

Deck Rarities
Ultra Rares
* Super Conductor Tyranno

Spolier Card List
SD09-EN001 Super Conductor Tyranno
SD09-EN002 Kabazauls
SD09-EN003 Sabersaurus
SD09-EN004 Mad Sword Beast
SD09-EN005 Gilasaurus x 2
SD09-EN006 Dark Driceratops
SD09-EN007 Hyper Hammerhead x 2
SD09-EN008 Black Tyranno
SD09-EN009 Tyranno Infinity
SD09-EN010 Hydrogeddon x 2
SD09-EN011 Oxygeddon
SD09-EN012 Black Ptera
SD09-EN013 Black Stego
SD09-EN014 Ultimate Tyranno
SD09-EN015 Miracle Jurassic Egg
SD09-EN016 Babycerasaurus
SD09-EN017 Big Evolution Pill
SD09-EN018 Tail Swipe
SD09-EN019 Jurassic World
SD09-EN020 Sebek's Blessing
SD09-EN021 Riryoku
SD09-EN022 Mesmeric Control
SD09-EN023 Mystical Space Typhoon
SD09-EN024 Megamorph
SD09-EN025 Heavy Storm
SD09-EN026 Lightning Vortex
SD09-EN027 Magical Mallet x 2
SD09-EN028 Hunting Instinct
SD09-EN029 Survival Instinct
SD09-EN030 Volcanic Eruption
SD09-EN031 Seismic Shockwave
SD09-EN032 Magical Arm Shield
SD09-EN033 Negate Attack
SD09-EN034 Goblin Out of the Frying Pan
SD09-EN035 Malfunction
SD09-EN036 Fossil Excavation

1 Comment:

  1. S4kuya-Desu said...
    Hola mi nombre es Saku-chan y estoy buscando gente que le guste el manga/anime o la cultura japonesa para invitarlas a mi foro, se que no es muy sutil de mi parte llegar y comentar este tipo de cosas aquí pero de verdad me gustaria invitarte al foro para que pudieras formar parte de el, es nuevito y por eso me tome el atrevimiento de invitarte espero puedas aceptar si no, no te preocupes y disculpa mi atrevimiento n_n mi foro es

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